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primal meals

The #1 reason for permanent health transformation

For many years, I ate too much junk / fast / restaurant food.


I thought that eating healthy would not be as tasty as junk or fast food. 

I thought that eating healthy is expensive.

Or that it would take too much time to prepare.


Over the years, I have learnt that these are bull$$it. 

Healthy meals can be tasty, cheap and simple to prepare!


I did this workshop to give you step-by-step instructions on how to prepare 7+ meals so that you can finally tick off "Eat Healthy" from your to-do list!

Let's get started

Remember to take notes and pause the video when needed!

Key Takeaways 

Whole natural food guide.jpg
Primal food protocol.jpg

Cooking 101

  • Differences btw lamb, beef, chicken, fish and seafood

    • Aroma of meat (the stronger the aroma, the more you season it)

    • Toughness dictates how you cook it

  • Pan fry, stew, bake, grill

  • Oil: Coconut oil, olive, oil, butter, ghee, avocado oil

  • Thick meats: high fire first then low

  • Boil starchy carbs

  • Soups and stocks: more time but more nutrients (lasts 1 week in fridge)

    • Beef and lamb (8hrs), chicken (4hrs), fish (2hrs)

    • Vegetables: pumpkin, carrots, onion, broccoli, bell pepper, sweet potatoes (boil and blend)


Flavours 101 

  • Spices and herbs used to be medicine, plant superfoods

  • The longer you cook spices and herbs, the stronger the taste

  • Get fresh leafy ones (basil, thyme, rosemary, mint), add them at the end

  • Dry herbs for marinating: turmeric, curry, coriander, cumin, paprika, chili, bay leaves

    • Rosemary, thyme, oregano (and sage)

    • Garlic, onion and ginger

    • Sea salt and pepper

    • Mustard sauce, tomato sauce, raw honey, wasabi

  • Beef or lamb: paprika, cumin, rosemary, thyme, garlic, salt, pepper

  • Fish and seafood: Parsley, lemongrass, lime, salt, pepper


Desserts 101

  • Ice cream: Blend and freeze

    • Coconut milk, bananas, dates, coconut flakes, cacao powder, cinnamon, nuts and seeds

  • Potato chips: Cut, season, oil and bake sliced potatoes

  • Chocolate: Mix, heat and chill cacao powder, butter, honey or dates, cinnamon, nuts and seeds

Welcome to my kitchen

Quick run-through of everything I personally own


  • Chickpea flour for frying

  • Quinoa, couscous, buckwheat, sweet potatoes, mung beans, lentils (boil)

  • Seaweed (nori and wakame)


Fridge (4-5 days):

  • Mushrooms, fresh greens, eggs, peanut butter, buckwheat, red beets, avocado

  • Sauerkraut, kimchi, tomato paste, Russian mustard, pickled ginger, coconut milk


Freezer (weeks):

  • Berries (cranberries, blueberries, strawberries), seaweed , tempeh, miso

  • Frozen fish, lamb (500g portions), spinach, falafel, beef liver, chicken hearts, squid



  • ​Stevia, honey, seaweed, bay leaf, baking soda

  • Spices: cumin, chili powder, sage, oregano, parsley, garlic powder, paprika, turmeric, salt, thyme, coriander

  • Essential oils: Lavender, grapefruit, lemon, wild orange, bergamot for adding to drinking water

Additional resources

Make sure to check out my free Primal Protocol blueprint and $19 eBook!

How to make your own probiotics


Spices & herbs


My 7 favourite specific meals

  1. Pan fried scrambled eggs (salt, pepper, paprika, thyme, basil) + boiled sweet potatoes with skin + raw guatekola (local bitter leafy greens here in thailand) + sauerkraut

  2. Boiled buckwheat + pan fried beef liver (salt, pepper, coriander, garlic, onions) + raw spinach & spring onion

  3. Whole chicken stewed or oven-baked (soya sauce, pepper, garlic, turmeric, rosemary) with sweet potatoes + raw dill

  4. Filleted and pan fried fish fillets pre-marinaded with lime, lemongrass, parsley, garlic, salt & pepper 2 hours before grilling + brown rice + steamed/boiled broccoli

  5. Soaked and boiled chickpeas blended with lime, olive oil, tahini, cumin & salt to make hummus + raw carrots and cucumber

  6. Pan-fried tempeh with soya sauce + quinoa boiled with bay leaves

  7. Raw fish + soya sauce + wasabi + raw nori seaweed & avocado and boiled Japanese rice


Unhealthy vs healthy food masterlist

  • ​I was going to write down an exhaustive list of unhealthy vs healthy but then i realized this is going to be a never-ending task, because there are countless healthy food and countless unhealthy food. â€‹But here's a good poster that shows a good list

  • ​Unhealthy food is "food" that is refined, processed or artificial.  Includes mayonnaise, commercial ketchups & sauces.

  • Healthy food is much more natural and minimally altered.  Includes mustard sauce, tomato sauce, soy sauce, lime, apple cider vinegar,  honey & wasabi.

  • ​Check this out too.

  • ​The more natural food you eat, the "healthier" it is, and the healthier all aspects of your health will be which influences your tastebuds to desire even more healthy food (and stop desiring unhealthy and unnatural food). It is a positive feedback loop.

  • ​The converse is true. Eating bad food makes you want more bad food. The same with toxic habits like alcohol, cigarettes, staying up late, excessive ejaculation (if you are a guy) etc...

  • ​There is a healthy version of  every unhealthy food you crave or want if you have the courage and self-love to reset your food/nutrition/tastebuds by following the Primal Food Protocols.

  • It really resets your metabolism, hormones & gut microbiome and improves everything - muscles, fat, energy, skin, food cravings - with zero costs and sacrifice.

Moving forward

Knowledge isn't power until its applied

I would love to answer your questions or keep you accountable to convert the knowledge you learn from this workshop into actual transformation in your life. 


Direct message me on instagram @primalphysique or whatsapp +1 647 537 7918


Talk to you soon!

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