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1-on-1 with jerome

Personalized | Transformative | Sustainable

The highest level of support, guidance and accountability to help you make your primal transformation a reality

Build your
ideal physique with me

how my 1-on-1 coaching
guarantees results

In this video, I explain: â€‹

  1. A little more about me and my back story

  2. What exactly is the primal protocol

  3. How I'm different from other fitness coaches

  4. My Primal money-back Guarantee

Full Transparency: 1-on-1 coaching is an investment in YOU.
If you are looking for the least expensive solution, as opposed to the most effective solution, then this won’t be a good fit. But if you're tired of feeling stuck and insecure, or don’t want to waste any more time not getting the results you desire, then let's talk :)

Here's a little more about me and my story

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Hi, I'm Jerome 

(or as some of you might say - primalphysique 😂)

I started out as a depressed, skinny-fat immigrant in Canada - addicted to cigarettes, porn, self-harm & alcohol. 


Fast forward 7 years and I turned myself into a successful entrepreneur with over 250 employees.


But I was more proud of the fact that I built and effortlessly maintained my healthiest and most attractive physique. 


So in 2020, I left all that behind to pursue my true passion - helping people by increasing their health and happiness. 


I focused on these 3 questions:
1. what am I an expert in?

2. what do I enjoy doing?
3. what are the problems in the world?


The Primal Protocol is my answer. 

Transform your physique

✗ without counting calories​ 
✗ without protein supplements
✗ without excessive exercise or crazy weights

✓ while building the permanent habits of a healthy lifestyle 
✓ while enjoying the entire process!
✓ and keep on achieving greater results later on your own...

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Still on the fence?

Don't just take it from me


Caleb went from 115kg to 97kg in 3 months

What real & effective 
1on1 coaching w/ me
looks like

​✓ 24/7 access to ME (not my “team”)

✓ 100% custom strategy based on your specific lifestyle

✓ Daily check-ins, adjustments and motivation

✓ Daily food feedback loop

✓ Daily exercise accountability with form check

✓ Daily practical tips to level up your physique & health

✓ Client-exclusive videos & workshops


My Clients say

"Three weeks in, I feel great. We're down almost 20 pounds. I wake up feeling great every single day, not slow or sluggish.

When you know where you wanna go and you have someone like Jerome there that's with you every step of the way and stays on top of you, the skies honestly the limit.

The habits and the practices that we build within these weeks, they're gonna stay with us forever. We'll keep on growing, keep getting better and keep moving forward every single day. 

So for anybody out there that's thinking of investing in this, trust me, you should do that. It's the right choice, make that change."

Jon C.

"At the start of my fitness journey with Jerome, I was unsure if we could do it. I was doubting him and myself because I don't know him personally and I thought cardio was the only way to lose weight. Obviously I was very wrong.

When we started I was 67kg and in my third month, I was down to 57kg. We were so happy to see the results of my hard work. I've become stronger and leaner than I have ever been before. 

Throughout our 3 month program, Jerome provided me with so many resources. He checked my form and my meals everyday. Jerome completely changed my perspective on fitness. He taught me a lot of things and I will continue to apply what I've learned from him in my daily life. Thank you so much Jerome, for helping me and so many others achieve their fitness goals." 

Cathy S.

"After three months in the program with you, I was able to bring down my weight from 220lbs to now, just 175lbs.

You might not know this but I was suffering from clinical depression and anxiety a few months back. I was hesitant to join the program with you but I decided I needed to change my lifestyle if I want to feel good about myself again.

Now I feel so much lighter, I can move much faster. I was able to regain my self-confidence and my self-esteem back. And my battle with depression and anxiety felt so much lighter. Now I can sleep much, much better. Now, I can sleep. 

This is definitely the best money I've spent so far this year. I would not have made this fitness journey without your help"

Alvin I.

"He's very smart, knows what he's talking about, challenges a lot of my beliefs and what I thought I needed to get that body. Really tailored the program and the workouts to fit what I was doing and my goals. Third, very committed to seeing the results and to you getting the results that you want.

It's been 30 days and the weight was flying off. I was looking and I felt so much more confident, so much better, mental clarity was good. I was waking up not feeling groggy or lethargic. I felt that I was going into different activities with a purpose.

Its only a 3 month program, but I'm definitely gonna stick with it on my own. I am so happy I did it, and I would highly encourage anyone. If you're hesitant because of the money, I would say you're looking at it wrong. Again, I am so happy I did it."

Dan F. 

"I've been struggling to lose the weight since my thyroidectomy 2 years ago, and I've already tried to work with nutritionists and other health coaches with little to no results. 


I was discouraged to get help since there's so many folks making big promises with no results, but I knew I needed to get better in all aspects of my health. Jerome is a genuine coach who knows what he's saying, understands where it comes from and helps me achieve my goals.


I can understand people get on the fence when there are so many so-called gurus out there saying stuff to try and make a quick buck. If someone without a thyroid lost the weight with Jerome's program, anyone else out there that's serious and dedicated definitely can too."

Daniel L.

"I'm not getting the fitness results that I want. Super frustrating when you're actually putting a lot of effort in and you're not getting the results that you want.

Three weeks in and I'm already seeing significant improvements, in aesthetics and most notably in my strength levels, which are at levels that I haven't felt in probably a good decade. I'm realizing a lot of it has to do more with the stories that I'm telling myself. The things that I'm telling myself I can or cannot do.

Three weeks into it and its completely shifted my thinking. If you're really considering this, you really got to be open to breaking down some of the ways that you've been thinking, the traditional things that kept you locked. Can't get different results if you don’t change or train your way of thinking."

Joffrey G.

"I was really sick of my ideas not working, so I listened to and followed someone who had done it for themselves and done it for other guys.

It's not by focusing on those results or eating less or doing cardio. It's building muscle, working on my physique, eating whole natural food. Following all these little tidbits of advice and working on mental and emotional framework, I can actually show up and do these little things every day.

Whole natural food is probably the biggest thing. With intermittent fasting, I was eating junk food. It was my go-to coping mechanism. Bored, procrastinating, I wanted to eat the richest, most mind boggling meal. Now I know, having fixed some of it, that I was not happy with what I was doing. 

Lucas A. 

"Over time, working with Jerome, he made me understand the importance of getting all the joy in my brain using healthy habits. I started changing my routines, I move the exercise, working out during the morning. It helped me stay focused, constant and basically motivated about doing exercise, working out every single day, about pushing myself to the next level and basically being able to achieve my goals.

Long story short, don't get scared, I highly recommend it. I've been feeling very good, I feel strong. He got rid of my bad habits and just focusing on getting the good ones.He does every single day follow up, which might be quite annoying the first time, but it's amazing because essentially it's going to help you to go to and improve to the next level. Give yourself an opportunity to basically be with one of the best coaches I ever had."

Marcos S. 

epic transformations

  • What is the difference between the ebook, workshops and 1on1 coaching?
    The ebook is the written manual to build your ideal physique. The meal and training workshops are video resources that dive deep into food and training respectively. 1on1 coaching is where I work with you personally to guarantee your physical transformation - by giving you the daily information and accountability to maximize behavioral changes.
  • How long until I start seeing results?
    Information is useless unless it translates to behavioral changes. The more you apply what I teach, the greater and faster results you will experience. But on average, you can expect to see and feel positive results in 2 weeks or less.
  • Do I have to count calories or track macros?
    No. I discourage weighing or measuring food to count calories because this can have more downsides than upsides in the long run.
  • How long are the workouts?
    Each workout takes around 1 hour and I recommend training 3-5 times per week. That means roughly 3-5 hours of exercise per week. It depends on your situation and goals.
  • Do I need to workout in a gym?
    No. You can make great progress with resistance bands or basic equipment at home. But for most people, working out in the gym is easier and brings more results.
  • Do I have to take supplements?
    No. My approach favors getting all your nutrients from the food that you eat. I believe that supplements are generally over-hyped in our society that is desperate for shortcuts and quick fixes.
  • What if I travel a lot or have a vacation coming up? Should I wait until I get back to start?
    If you have 1 hour to exercise per day, then there is no valid reason to delay the start of your healthy transformation. The sooner you transform into your healthiest self, the easier it would be to maintain it or keep on progressing in the correct direction.
  • I have a very busy schedule - how much time per day does 1on1 coaching require of me?
    Everyone has the same time per day and busy-ness is often just an excuse to not do the things you know you should be prioritizing. My program would require you to set aside these times per week: 5 hours of exercise per week 10 minutes per day to give me data and info so i can monitor your progress and give you feedback 5-10 minutes per day to listen to new information i will teach you If you cannot commit to setting aside these times, my training and nutirition video workshops will be a better fit for you

Are you ready for YOUR transformation?

Get started TODAY

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